Getting a bit one-tracked

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:26 p.m.

I've looked back over my recent posts, and there is way too much stuff about Radio Lab there! That's not to say Radio Lab doesn't deserve a fansite, it does, but I really must diversify. So I'll try not to mention it for… a few days, how about that? Let's say until after the next episode, on Friday.

It might be a bit difficult because last week the cable on my Panasonic noise-cancelling headphones broke. At the weekend I tried to get a replacement – the best I could do was a clunky, overpriced minijack-minijack cable at MediaMarkt. It was too clunky, so I had to pare the rubber case back – in so doing, breaking one connection. I don't have a soldering iron here (and with three in Ireland, I don't intend to buy a new one!), so that was that. I guess I'll have to get off work early enough to reach one of the pro-audio stores in town if I want to regain my commute! Not ready to take the plunge and go for in-ear headphones – I'm just not convinced the ears were designed to work that way, so I'd rather look weird with the big fat cans.

So what else do we have to look forward to this week? Well, the new PRX is to launch on Friday, and I hope to have a piece ready for it in the next ten days. It'll probably be a mono-lingual item, made from material I used in this BBC Cantonese piece.


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