
Sunday, November 16, 2008 6:11 a.m.

Ahhhhh. Finally, the new series of Radio Lab has started.
And there's no anti-climax – Choice was a bute!

Lightness of touch – the chemistry and banter between Jad and Robert; the squeals – Oliver Sacks being so Oliver Sacksy; wonder – a hot coffee?; delicious imagery – the smashing window but almost everywhere else too; and surprise – Jad priming Robert.

And neuroscientists and Jonah Lehrer.

Ahhhh. Lovely. I wonder are there neuroscientists who study how people listen to Radio Lab? Oooh, and I've figrued out the typography. Radio Lab is two words – the logo is just one word, but in different colours. Wrong by rules, right by convention.

I made a point of listening to it streaming from WNYC FM. Phone switched off, dimmed lights, big comfy headphones.

And it's fab.

Oh and remember when Jad called us all bitches? That was funny. He also did an online chat thing afterwards.


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