It's Community Radio time!

Monday, October 26, 2009 8:03 p.m.

The closing date for London FM community radio licence applications is tomorrow week, and we're head-long into it! We means London Chinese Radio.
They tell you, don't they, that you'll be working like crazy in the last week. "Ah-ha", thought I, "not us, we'll have have everything in place a few weeks before and just be checking and re-checking to be sure to be sure". As it turns out, we're still working on more parts of the application than we have put to bed. There have been some highs today, wrapping up some parts, and, still best of all, looking through the letters of support – there are dozens! People from here , there and everywhere taking the time to put together an email or a long letter, telling the world we're good and we're needed.
It's an astonishingly good feeling, to read through them – all these years of volunteering really are appreciated! So here's to the next few nights of midnight oil-being burnt, for the good of community, for the good of radio. Good.


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