A poem about Ireland today

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:55 a.m.

A slight change in direction this time, with poetry from a radio producer of yore. Kevin O'Connor is my uncle, and one of his docs came to mind as I was doing a fantasy job interview for Radio Lab in the parks south of Brussels at the weekend.

In the mid-90s he made a documentry about his late brother, which included his sister describing the childhood home something like this: Grand-da lived at the top of the house. I suppose you could say Grand-da was the the matriarch of the family.

I remember my mother asking him why he left that in, it was embarrassing (a show was the term used, I expect), and (as I remember it), he fudged the answer.

The RL context was as a way of illustrating humanity in a radio item. Especially in contrast to Hugh Manatee.

Moving on to the poem in question. Typos are the artist's own. And I admit I can only see reference to The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Let me know what more what I'm missing.


Well Seanie, you’re the Boyo
Built the Bank - and broke the Bank
Skipped away to nurse your wounds
which were all our dreams...

“ Each man kills the thing he loves”
As you’ve oft heard said
‘The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with sword...’

And some with hefty borrowings
Of many, many millions...
as Pensioners in public weep
for their lost shares of comforts

Well, Seanie, you’re the boyo
brought a country to its knees
Fitzpatrick of the silver locks
Put the rest of us in hock

So here’s to you, me boyo, Seanie
Did what no else could do
Built the bank and broke the bank
and flushed our savings down the loo....

Kevin 0’Connor


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