So someone tweets about… you know which radio show, and you follow it round to her blog which suggests you lay off the blogging. For the reasons I have been struggling to blog.
Before Twitter bit me, I would post short entries here about a nice show I'd just heard. These days though, those go on Twitter, Facebook, or the lovely
So, a compromise: a collection of links and impressions.
Shappi Talk on BBC Radio 4. Two episodes in and this stand-up and interview comedy with an audience about being a foreigner really hits the spot.
Outfront has finished on the CBC.
RTÉ have a new micro-site based round the Documentary on One. It looks fab. Though I admit I haven't faced into a DocOnOne for months now.
The BBC's Save Our Sounds project continues apace, with micro site, an audible world wide web, and two on-air docs. Definitely worth checking out.
RFI staff have suspended their strike, and it's great to hear the podcasts back in French – okay so I understand next to nothing but I have to try to keep it up! The English daily broadcasts didn't seem to be interrupted much.
Interesting podcast called Listen to Africa.
Apparently there was once a famous Irish broadcaster called Liam Nolan. I'll be honest I had never heard of this Today programme presenter.
Finally, by next month, I'll be in a permanent job – my first in six years in radio – at another of the stars of international broadcasting, WRN. I can't wait!
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