Hello! I've moved my blog over to coffeeflavouredtea.net
It's Community Radio time!
Monday, October 26, 2009 8:03 p.m.
|0 commentsNova – Irish radio innovator
Monday, October 19, 2009 7:33 a.m.
|0 commentsNo, not the 1980s super-pirate, but the avant-garde music and sound art on Lyric FM. For two hours every Sunday night, the host Bernard Clark plays sounds that will stump you – a beep, dissonant strings, electronic music from haunting to house.The novelty of the show reminds us of the artistic breadth that sparkled in 1990s Ireland, when Irish minds returned from far, wide, and the heights of achievement too.
This week, Clark left the studios in Limerick and headed out to Skibbereen, a journey mirroring that of his guest, nature sound recordist Chris Watson. "I don’t regard myself as sound artist", says Watson in the most absorbing, soft Northern English accent you can imagine. "I'm a sound recordist". Our host sounds like he's wearing a black polo neck and possibly even a beret, and the guest is no Bill Oddie. Both are stirred by Watson's mixed recordings of birdcalls, mating displays, the swirling whirling hurling of the wind. But if you want to hear power in a sound, then Watson's recording of a glacier groaning and creaking – from the inside – is unmissable.
And if you want non-speech radio a bit different from the ceilidh music, operettas and chart toppers on the other RTÉ outlets, then Nova is unmissable too.
(Nova, Lyric FM, Sunday 21:00-23:00.)
PPI Winners 2009
Saturday, October 03, 2009 10:45 a.m.
|0 commentsAn enjoyable morning (in London) looking up winning programmes from last night's PPI Radio Awards.
Here's a selection of the winners (full list here).
Also take a peek at the nominations.
A2: Music Programme – Specialist
Bronze – That’s Jazz (Radio Kerry)
Silver – FM 104’s Big Urban Mix (FM 104)
Winner – The Essential Rock Anthems with Ray & JP (Today FM)
A3: Breakfast Programme
Bronze – Dublin’s 98 Morning Crew (Dublin’s 98)
Silver – The Colm & Jim Jim Breakfast Show (RTÉ 2 FM)
Winner – The Red Rooster (Cork’s Red FM)
A4: Music Special
Bronze – The Kilfenora – 100 years – a Celebration (Clare FM)
Silver – Gerry’s Danny Boy (BBC Radio Ulster)
Winner – Tower Songs – a Song Cycle for Ballymun (Athena Media for RTÉ Lyric FM)
B1: News Story
Bronze – Stand UP and fight – a grieving father’s battle for justice (Limerick’s Live 95 fm)
Silver – The Day the Earth Moved (Radio Kerry)
Winner – Publication of the Ryan Report (RTÉ Radio 1)
B2: News Bulletin
Bronze – HIStory – Cork Remembers Michael Jackson (Cork’s Red FM)
Silver – News Bulletin (Clare FM)
Winner – Newstalk 106-108fm News Bulletin (Newstalk 106-108fm)
B3: News Programme
Bronze – Lunchtime with Eamon Keane (Newstalk 106-108fm)
Silver – Drivetime (RTÉ Radio 1)
Winner – News at One on RTÉ Radio 1 (RTÉ Radio 1)
B4: Current Affairs Programme
Bronze – Saturday Edition (Newstalk 106-108fm)
Silver – Kerry Today (Radio Kerry)
Winner – Today with Pat Kenny (RTÉ Radio 1)
C1: Documentary / Feature
Bronze -The Cooneen Ghost ( Shannonside)
Silver – With These Hands – the Documentary on One (RTÉ Radio 1)
Winner – Through Cairo Airport (Colette Kinsella for RTÉ Choice)
C2: Short Feature
Bronze – People’s Parks of Dublin (Don Swift for Country Mix 106.8)
Silver – FM 104’s Real Life (FM 104)
Winner – Henry on a Mission – Moncrieff (Newstalk 106-108fm)
C3: Speech Driven Magazine Programme
Bronze – Tom Dunne (Newstalk 106-108fm)
Silver – The Morning Show (East Coast FM)
Winner – The Ray D’Arcy Show (Today FM)
C4: Drama
Bronze – War of the Worlds (KCLR96FM)
Silver -i102 -104’s Radio Killed the Video Star (i102-104)
Winner – Another Blooming Day (Zoe Comyns for Newstalk 106-108fm)
C5: Specialist Speech Programme
Bronze – The Business (RTÉ Radio)
Silver – iTalk on i102-104 (i102-104)
Winner Talking History (Newstalk 106-108fm)
D1: Community/Social Action
Bronze – Dublin’s 98 Care for Kids Radiothon (Dublin’s 98)
Silver – Let’s Keep Dublin Working (Dublin’s Q102)
Winner – Tipperary Assaults – Liveline (RTÉ Radio 1)
D4: Entertainment Inserts
Bronze – Dr. Bill – Tom Dunne (Newstalk 106-108fm)
Silver – Dublin 98’s Morning Crew Comedy (Dublin’s 98)
Winner – Gift Grub – The Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show (Today FM)
D5: Innovation
Bronze The Emergency (The Colour Purple for Newstalk 106-108fm)
Silver – i102-104’s Radio Killed the Video Star (i102-104)
Winner – FM 104’S Castle of Terror (FM 104)
E1: Music Broadcaster of the Year
Ray Foley (Today FM)
E2: Specialist Music Broadcaster of the Year
Donald Helme (RTÉ Lyric FM)
E3: News Broadcaster of the Year
Seán O’Rourke (RTÉ Radio 1)
E4: News Reporter of the Year
Cian McCormack (RTÉ Radio 1)
E6: Speech Broadcaster of the Year
Ryan Tubridy (RTÉ Radio 1)
F1: Local Station Of The Year
F2: Music Station of the Year
FM 104
F3: Full Service Station of the Year
Newstalk 106-108 fm
Friday, October 02, 2009 1:27 p.m.
|0 commentsPowerful radio can be just one person, telling a story that hardly varies in how gut-wrenching or sad it is. No better example, than the story of Catherine, yesterday afternoon. Newstalk, Moncrieff.
They cleared the boards for three segments of an interview by Catherine Sutton with a woman, using the pseudonym of Catherine, who was raped by her step father, and had five pregnancies by the age of 21. The nearest to respite was fleeing to New York and starting to use drugs, and the mention she now has a husband.
Listen here.
There are times when the story is difficult to follow. And after it all, you don't know what you could ever to do help. But you do know what you won't do, what you will look out for.
Simple, powerful radio, with a social purpose. The programmes on other stations at the same time, with whinging phone-ins or classic pop music – feeling sheepish?
Death Diminishes Me
Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:59 a.m.
|0 commentsStone Soup
Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:31 p.m.
|0 commentsRadio Lab and the BBC
Thursday, July 02, 2009 4:46 p.m.
|0 commentsRadio Academy Podcast
Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:20 a.m.
|0 commentsWreck Diving in Ireland
Saturday, May 23, 2009 3:08 p.m.
|0 commentsReview: The Emergency
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 7:07 a.m.
|0 commentsAwesome sounds of radio (astronomy)
Friday, April 24, 2009 9:33 a.m.
|0 commentsThe more you read up, indeed the more you just listen to the radio, you learn it can be on familiar territory. Jupiter can be heard around 20 MHz – that's shortwave, any old radio can tune there!
And then there's meteor showers. A smear of a distant TV channel, or a snatch of FM radio from the other side of the continent, is at times because (as I understand it) the signals are twisted by the fuzz of ionisation surrounding a meteor as it dashes through the earth's atmosphere at some point in between and above you and that radio station.But radio astronomers, professional and amateur, can do something more structured. Have a look at what this guy, Thomas Ashcroft does. This recording is of one of the most well known meteor showers, Geminids, at VHF, and it is compelling. Trust me, this is awesome. There are two channels of audio, about 20MHz apart, recorded in the narrowest of modes, CW (that's how you get Morse code), and yet they interact.
Poke around that website, there's lots of good stuff – binaural representations of electromagnetic radiation. He also has receivers recording 300KHz apart around 21MHz for Jupiter, and VLF and ELF – that's 0 - 20 KHz.
Review: Roberts Robi DAB/FM adaptor for iPod
Thursday, April 23, 2009 10:31 a.m.
- the switches are easy to accidentally knock, if you put it in our pocket without hold on: this is an issue if you are in a rainy climate and like to retune or adjust the volume a lot – like me!
- DAB mode drains the iPod battery at a rate of knots. You'll get one afternoon around town, going between iPod, FM and DAB, on a full charge.
- The white cable – maybe this could be black? Most iPods and headphones sold are black or encased in black these days, so the cable seems to draw unnecessary attention.
Sierra Leone – political radio, UN radio, keeping it under control
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 4:22 p.m.
|0 commentsThis from the current Listening Post on Al Jazeera English
Outfront has been canned.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 6:56 p.m.
|0 comments看中國電影了
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:24 p.m.
|0 commentsIndia.Arie Part 3 – on NPR
Sunday, March 15, 2009 5:24 a.m.
|0 commentsDoing my bit
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:14 p.m.
|0 commentsThe v funny BBC Radio 4 Today video – voilá:
More on Pearls and speech radio.
Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:16 p.m.
|0 commentsIndia.Arie teaching Public Radio
Monday, February 23, 2009 12:22 p.m.
|0 commentsHow We Got Here (PRI) and Alison Des Forges
Saturday, February 21, 2009 5:23 p.m.
|3 commentsA poem about Ireland today
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:55 a.m.
|0 commentsIn the mid-90s he made a documentry about his late brother, which included his sister describing the childhood home something like this: Grand-da lived at the top of the house. I suppose you could say Grand-da was the the matriarch of the family.
I remember my mother asking him why he left that in, it was embarrassing (a show was the term used, I expect), and (as I remember it), he fudged the answer.
The RL context was as a way of illustrating humanity in a radio item. Especially in contrast to Hugh Manatee.
Moving on to the poem in question. Typos are the artist's own. And I admit I can only see reference to The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Let me know what more what I'm missing.
Well Seanie, you’re the Boyo
Built the Bank - and broke the Bank
Skipped away to nurse your wounds
which were all our dreams...
“ Each man kills the thing he loves”
As you’ve oft heard said
‘The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with sword...’
And some with hefty borrowings
Of many, many millions...
as Pensioners in public weep
for their lost shares of comforts
Well, Seanie, you’re the boyo
brought a country to its knees
Fitzpatrick of the silver locks
Put the rest of us in hock
So here’s to you, me boyo, Seanie
Did what no else could do
Built the bank and broke the bank
and flushed our savings down the loo....
Kevin 0’Connor
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 9:57 a.m.
|0 commentsDinky explanation of frequency effects.
5:48 a.m.
|0 commentsA few months of freebasing
Friday, February 06, 2009 7:44 a.m.
|0 commentsRadio Today Obama splash page
Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:46 p.m.
|0 commentsHow cool is this? The splash page on the front page of community station Radio Today in Johannesburg, South Africa.
![]() |
From Blogger Pictures |
I don't bloody believe it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:40 p.m.
|0 commentsI mean, it always made sense: Kinder Eggs were from Switzerland, right? German name, but it's chocolate, and white and reddish-orange, so it's Swiss, naturally. But no, no, no.