On The Wireless

Tuesday, December 04, 2007 7:22 a.m.

I've just been to see a great show. It's called On The Wireless. It was on in the San Francisco Bathhouse on Cuba Street (Wellington, New Zealand).

It's fab! Three young men in dinner jackets perform an evening radio show, which plays three dramas. Many many parts are played over the course of the show, entirely by the three guys – according to the Facebook event, their names are Gareth Williams, Brad McCormick and Leon Wadham.
They do a terrific job on the accents – plus they do their own spot effects, and one even plays the keyboard! They are helped by a sound operator who hits his cues – everybit as good as any I've seen at the BBC Radio 4 recordings in the Drill Hall.

The stories are diverse, entertaining pastiches. Then there are the ad breaks…

If I have to criticise, maybe it's just that the final play could have gone in the middle, as there was an element of "I'm not supposed to be laughing here" which confused things a wee bit. But audiences like to think too so hey :-)

It doesn't really detract from an excellent show – I want more!

So yeah, if you get a chance, go see this show, and keep an ear out for the three performers.


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