I've been a busy boy of late. And I've hardly had the chance to listen to the radio. But I've noticed a couple of things, such as:
Around Alexandra Park road, a portable DAB radio'll get a good singal wouthout any aerial at all.
The pure pocketDAB 2000 uses the headphone cable as it's antenna, and without plugging anything in, the signal metre shows a good strong signal, on the residential roads around the Ally Pally TX site. I'd like to see if it works out to Wood Green.
And yes, I understand the pointlessness in seeing if you can get a signal without being able to hear it!
You can see the Crystal Palace mast from the Putney Bridge tube bridge. A nice clear view of it.
The 1296kHz antenna for BBC World Service DRM in Orfordness is like a pair of 3 element beams, stuck into the ground with the boom running along the ground.
No not a good description, but those masts suddenly make sense to an amateur like me once I can visualise that :-)
Out and about
Saturday, May 19, 2007 4:58 p.m.
Filed Under: Alexander Palace, Crystal Palace, DAB, London, MW Antenna, Orfordness |0 comments
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