So long DE 1102…

Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:26 p.m.

My Degen DE 1102 DE 1102 seems to have given up the ghost today.
The week we heard about new DRM-compatible receivers coming out in time for Christmas… Too soon for the Degen to leave me!

That means I'm missing out on the little bit of hardware. I can't listen to FM, MW or SW now without either bringing my Sony from across the water (bockety aerial and all). Usually though, I could only use it for listening to those in the park, as signal strength isn't too great in a basement flat!

But any disappointment about that has been thoroughly dispelled by I am David, on BBC 7. I'm listening via the web, of course.

I read I am David when I was in primary school, and I remember knowing for years that it was the best book I had read.

Perhaps it influenced my passion for Europe and my sense of European identity.


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